

周功和牧师在上海出生,香港長大。費城是他居住最長的地方。 學歷:賓大(U. of Pennsylvania)工程學士;西敏神学院 (Westminster Seminary)道學碩士與神學硕士;天普大学 (Temple U.) 博士。 工作經歷:曾任费城中華基督教會牧師,三一教会主任牧师,台湾中华福音神学院院长與神學教授。 著作:《基督教科学观:從新加爾文主義看科學》,《信、望、爱:圣经伦理学导论》, 《荣耀光中活水泉:论救恩与灵恩》,《正反不合:现代、后现代、圣灵的时代》;編輯與供稿者:《聖經真的沒有錯嗎?:聖經底本無誤論的再思》。 家庭:周牧师与周一心师母有三个孩子,四个孫輩。


赵约翰牧师 来自台湾。IWS(崇拜研究學院)崇拜學博士候选人;恩典神学院(GTS)教牧博士;三一神学院(TEDS)道硕;哥伦比亚电影硕士。与赵师母在美国中西部牧会18年,自2010年开始在恩言辅导服侍至今。在婚姻,辅导和敬拜方面,借由线下及网络平台举办培训,专题聚会,于北美,澳洲,亚洲各地服侍众教会。“恩言辅导”的网址是:http://www.guidingword.org.
赵恩慈师母 来自台湾。慕迪圣经学院神学装备。2007年和几位有共同异象的同工创立了恩言辅导。蒙主恩佑,与赵牧师同心同行配搭服侍主至今超过三十年。一子一女均已婚,有一个可爱的小外孙女和外孙。



程林真兒傳道(Dr. Joy Cheng)

程林真兒傳道(Dr. Joy Cheng), 美國遠東廣播公司中文事工節目部主任;達拉斯神學院 教牧學婚姻家庭事工博士;美國遠東家庭事工培訓中心創辦人;「真愛駐我家」播客總監 制與主持,良友電台節目主持人,良牧聖經學院教務長;正道神學院客座教師;良友電台 節目主持人,在多間神學院教導許多婚姻家庭、教育子女,培育青少年等課程,同時與先 生homeschool在家教育他們的三個孩子,Elijah(18已上大學);Evangeline(15); 和Eliana(11)。

柯维道(Denny Craker)

I was born and raised in a pastor’s family in PA. I became a Christian at the age of five and was called to be a missionary at the age of six. My wife and I met at Asbury University in Kentucky. After graduating, we went to Taiwan to study Mandarin. Our three daughters were all born and raised in Taiwan. After graduating from China Evangelical Seminary with my MDiv degree, I pastored a Chinese church full-time for several years. I then began my ministry in China doing pastoral care and counseling and leadership training for leaders in the house churches. After serving in Asia for 35 years, for various reasons including Covid, we unexpectedly relocated to the US where I am currently pastoring at the Chinese Christian Church at Clemson.

Nicholas Schuleit

Nicholas Schuleit has completed a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and International Relations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; a Master of Arts in Theological studies at Reformed Theological Seminary in Oviedo, Fl; five master level credits at Wycliffe Hall at Oxford University, England; a Master of Arts in Christianity and Culture (Summa Cum Laude) at Knox Theological Seminary in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. He was a youth Pastor in the U.S.A. and was engaged in missionary work (Peru) for over twenty-two years. He has pastored the young professionals at an evangelical Christian Missionary Alliance congregation in Trujillo, Peru for eight years and was a professor in their seminary for twelve years. He has completed four years as an assistant pastor for the Christian Missionary Alliance in the jungle city of Pucallpa, professor for the IBIENA Bible Institute of the Swiss Mission, and designated counselor to the missionary community. IBIENA gives a pastoral formation to the indigenous people groups of the Peruvian amazon. He also has extensive counseling experience within a diverse range of cultural and socio-economic groups. He has a beautiful Peruvian wife named Melissa, a delightful nineteen-year-old son who bears the name of his father, and a precious twelve-year-old girl named Ana Victoria.

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